Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Secret Life of Kimi and How She Does it: The Danger of Internet and Social Network Sites

The Secret Life of Kim Boes and how she does it

What is my secret? How can I live the way I do? How can I be everywhere and nowhere and change destinations every 2 - 3 months? 

Graduation Speech 
First, during my studies I already 'taught' finance to several people. I absolutely love finance (one of these rare people) and really wanted these people to understand it as well. Nothing in this world makes me more happy than making other people happy, make sure they succeed and they understand something after I explained them. Why should I keep the knowledge to myself if I can help other people understand it better? Second, I happen to have written an excellent thesis with some very nice research that I will present on the e-Tourism Brennpunkt in Salzburg, Austria next Monday. Along the way I noticed that my academic writing in English is not so bad at all and therefore I am consulting and assisting on various academic papers at the moment. Third, what I also noticed is that with understanding three languages perfectly I can translate Dutch/German text to English without any problem. Fourth, something else is that I do not have a problem doing work you do not need a degree for, therefore, I am, next to all the activities I am doing at the moment, also Delivering The Mail in Hulst. 
Tour Map of our 'Get Lost' Tour in NZ

The Secret of Living Life the Kimi Way
  • Work Hard in something you love
  • Take all small jobs cause they will give you the base to future success 
  • Have a goal, in the not so far future, to work towards
  • Take a temporary job to make extra money (even if it might not be your dream job, its only temporary!) 
  • Do only what you enjoy doing and never give up no matter what other people say
  • Be realistic but always on the positive side of things 
  • Luxury is not everything. Remember, that with this way of living you might not have heaps on your bank account but are living the life you always wanted 
  • Never give up believing in yourself! 
Best Practise 
  • Cried for some weeks because I didn't find a job
  • Thought about what I love most and do best and how to combine these two 
  • Founded Bacon and Eggs
  • Spread the word about what I am doing got me
    • Ghostwriter job
    • Consulting 3 dissertations 
    • One translating job 
    • Invitation to present my research at eTourism Brennpunkt conference 
    • Awesome website and a big network for Bacon and Eggs Tours 
  • Leaving my apartment to work as a temporary postman in The Netherlands
  • Buy a ticket to NZ to have a 'not so far in the future' goal
  • Do a TEFL course to Teach English as a Foreign Language as Volunteering Work next year
  • Brainstorm about the 'Trip of my life around the world without a plane' 
  • Have a permanent smile on my face even if I worry or feel sh*t 
Temp Job in AWESOME Berlin! 

This sounds like a lot and it is a lot, I work 7 days a week but believe me, I enjoy every single second of it and I could not imagine a better life than I have now. If this makes people think I am a dreamer, a liar or untrustworthy than I feel sorry for them. Having an awesome life your way is possible, just get out of that comport zone and start living. It might not be easy at first but I guarantee you, after a while you never want something else again!

Ode to Social Media

Again, I have to communicated my thoughts about people that attack one another on the internet. Social Media are there to share information (in the amounts you feel comfortable with) and help each other with anything possible. Please think twice before spreading rumours, negative worth of mouth or accusations. Before you hurt somebodies feelings or effect a company contact them personally. Public attacks might only bother outsiders and you might even negatively effect yourself in the matter. 

I am happy I found a reason to tell something about myself, my life and my company again. Thank you 'forum person' for providing me with some nice content on my blog!


  1. COOLegal

  2. Wow! :) Dit is echt fantastisch! Het klinkt misschien cliché, maar door onze rendez-vous gisteren, en nu dit artikel, heb ik nieuwe, verbeterde kracht gekregen om uit mijn sleur te stappen en mijn doelen te gaan nastreven! Ik zat een beetje vast, en je hebt me echt geholpen. ;) Ik wil ook graag een blog beginnen, maar ik weet niet where to begin. Mischien moet ik er gewoon maar eens voor gaan zitten, en wie weet...
    Ik heb trouwens mijn beste vriendin verteld dat ik zó blij ben dat ik jou heb ontmoet gisteren. Het is fijn te weten dat er uit je oude klasje toch nog iemand is die op dezelfde manier in het leven staat. Het enige verschil is dat jij het gewoon DOET, en ik me toch nog wat vasthoud aan 'de vastigheid'. Je hebt me zeker nieuwe energie en inspiratie gegeven en daar wil ik je graag voor bedanken. Dus: BEDANKT!!!

  3. He Steef,
    Ben ook echt blij dat we elkaar weer gezien hebben, ook voor mij is het super om te weten dat ik niet alleen ben ;) Ik zeg het: gewoon DOEN, wat kan er mis gaan? Ik ben er zeker van dat alles goed komt en dat we elkaar heel snel weer zien, anders moet je toch echt maar eens de stoute schoenen aantrekken en naar Oostenrijk komen ;) Hoop we horen elkaar snel!

  4. Keep going with your baconandeggs!
    Tourism in NZ is a freakin huge industry, and little guys are always being bought out by big guys.

    Some companies make multi-millions, and if you get in the way of this they will hate you! So keep up the great work!!! Insurance is probably important, but not to difficult. Just a couple of hurdles and you will make it!
